Michele McGrath
author : Michele McGrath
Michele McGrath Book Series
Don’t mess with Meadowside!
Ghost Diaries 1_Gigi's Guardian_Paranormal Romance
Manannan Trilogy
Manannan's Magic
Emer's Quest (Manannan Trilogy)
Lord Philip's Christmas
Miss Ridgeway's Privateer (Regency Belles & Beaux Book 3)
Duval and the Empress's Crown (Napoleon's Police Book 5)
Cable Car
Duval at Waterloo (Napoleon's Police Book 15)
Duval and the Italian Opera Singer
Lady Alice's Dilemma
Claudia (Bible Women Book 4)
The Bride of Cana
The Innkeeper's Wife
A Night in the Manx Museum
The Carpenter's Bench
The Seal of Confession
The Choosing_The Winged Horses of Anver
Duval at Waterloo
Working on the Sabbath (Bible Women Book 5)
In my Dreams it is 1944 Again
Duval and the Italian Opera Singer (Napoleon's Police Book 6)
Manannan's Magic (Manannan Trilogy Book 1)
The Innkeeper's Wife (Bible Women Book 2)
Emer's Quest (Manannan Trilogy Book 3)
Stories for Seven Year Olds
True Blue
Lady Alice's Dilemma (Regency Belles and Beaux Book 1)
Napoleon's Police
Duval and the Empress's Crown
Regency Belles & Beaux
Lord Philip's Christmas (Regency Belles &Beaux Book 2)
The Emperor's Concubine
Miss Ridgeway's Privateer
Baker's Dozen
Five Lamps
Duval and the Infernal Machine (Napoleon's Police Book 1)
Niamh of the Golden Hair (Manannan Trilogy Book 2)